Proofpoint Essentials Email Security + Security Awareness Training

Proofpoint Essentials is comprehensive email security and security awareness for complete defense against today's modern email threats, built to be scalable for businesses of all sizes and designed with MSPs in mind.

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This is Available to Purchase Through ConnectWise. Contact Your Account Manager for More Details.

Proofpoint Essentials is comprehensive email security and security awareness for complete defense against today's modern email threats, built to be scalable for businesses of all sizes and designed with MSPs in mind. Essentials offers a quick-to-deploy cloud-based, multi-tenant solution that protects your customers from spam, phishing, ransomware, business email compromise, imposter emails, and malware.

With Proofpoint Essentials, you get:

  • Industry-Leading Email Security
  • Consumptive Monthly Billing
  • Fully Cloud-Hosted Solution
  • Easy Integration with Microsoft 365
  • Single Management Platform
  • ConnectWise Manage Integration
  • 24/7 Technical Support
  • Security Awareness Training Available

More Security, Less Management
Backed by Proofpoint’s AI-powered detection technology that secures more than 75% of Fortune 100 Businesses, Proofpoint Essentials provides centralized management for MSPs through our user-friendly, single interface admin console. This ease of use extends to customers, giving them increased visibility and a simple way to understand the threats targeting their businesses. Administrators can quickly manage protection for inbound threats, secure data as it leaves organizations, and train their end users to be an effective last line of defense against attackers.


Cost Effective, Fully Supported
Proofpoint understands that time is money for busy MSPs. Proofpoint Essentials prioritizes cost effective features and time to protection by making implementation simple with easy-to-understand documentation and setup guides. With a focus on driving higher return on security investments for organizations and creating profitable revenue streams for MSPs to grow their businesses, Essentials is fully scalable and completely supported. Proofpoint Essentials boasts higher detection rates leading to fewer complaints and customer tickets, and less time spent on incident remediation. In case concerns arise, know that Proofpoint’s best-in-class support team is available around the clock, 24 hours a day.


Something for Everyone
With a variety of flexible package options, Essentials extends protection beyond your customer’s inbox by including data loss prevention, security awareness, social media protection, and more. Essentials products work together to reduce the end user’s overall attack surface, and present a consolidated, all-inclusive solution for you. Users with Proofpoint Essentials can expect:

Email Security

Intelligent protection against spam, malware, and imposters with advanced URL/Attachment sandboxing

Information Protection

Outbound email encryption and filtering to catch sensitive data before it leaves the organization

Security Awareness

Education and training to help users protect themselves, identify risk, and change their behaviors

Social Media Protection

Monitoring for social media accounts to identify account compromise and stop potential attacks

Email Archiving

Safe keeping for historical emails dating back 10 years with easy recovery and minimal data storage

Email Continuity

Continuity for unexpected email outages to keep business running up to 30 days


Proofpoint is a leading security partner for Microsoft 365 and Microsoft Exchange, with more than 200,000 Microsoft 365 customers globally. To better protect your Microsoft investment, analysts from Gartner and Forrester recommend supplemental security. Proofpoint Essentials adds a fundamental layer of protection against the latest email threats that Microsoft may miss, such as advanced BEC and imposter messages. Minimal configuration and seamless integration make Essentials the flexible, affordable, out-of-the-box solution for protecting your customer’s greatest security risk: their people. 

ConnectWise PSA

Features: Integrations coming soon!

Provision your NEW ACCOUNT or Transfer your billing to ConnectWise by clicking the BUY NOW button.

When provisioning a new account, you'll create your tenant and gain access to the Proofpoint portal. Utilize this portal to create clients, add users, and select products. You will be billed based on your usage on the Proofpoint billing date. No need to enter a quantity for each product or come back to our marketplace to make changes.

Products Available:
• Proofpoint Essentials Business

• Proofpoint Essentials Business +

• Proofpoint Essentials Advanced

• Proofpoint Essentials Advanced +

• Proofpoint Essentials Professional

• Proofpoint Essentials Professional +

• Proofpoint Security Awareness Training

• Proofpoint Import Management

Monthly usage is billed in arrears and on your billing anniversary date. Pricing is subject to change at any time. Proofpoint is a 3rd party product that ConnectWise distributes. The ConnectWise Privacy Policy is not applicable to the use of this 3rd party product.

For more information or questions you have please reach out to your Account Manager or email

For Proofpoint related technical support questions or issues, please contact Proofpoint directly for assistance. You may choose the route that suits you best and their team looks forward to serving you!

  • Proofpoint Technical Support – Phone, Live Chat, Email:
    • Initiate a support request by logging a ticket
    • Chat is available through the portal
    • Community resources/discussions
    • News channel: important messages and details on any incidents
  • General Partner Hotline: North America (408) 752-5432
  • General Partner Hotline: EMEA +44 141 471 9131
  • Assistance on FAQs
    • (if presented with a login prompt, access through the UI to receive a login token, resulting in no login prompt)
  • Support for Archiving at



This is Available to Purchase Through ConnectWise. Contact Your Account Manager for More Details.

Proofpoint Essentials is comprehensive email security and security awareness for complete defense against today's modern email threats, built to be scalable for businesses of all sizes and designed with MSPs in mind. Essentials offers a quick-to-deploy cloud-based, multi-tenant solution that protects your customers from spam, phishing, ransomware, business email compromise, imposter emails, and malware.

With Proofpoint Essentials, you get:

  • Industry-Leading Email Security
  • Consumptive Monthly Billing
  • Fully Cloud-Hosted Solution
  • Easy Integration with Microsoft 365
  • Single Management Platform
  • ConnectWise Manage Integration
  • 24/7 Technical Support
  • Security Awareness Training Available

More Security, Less Management
Backed by Proofpoint’s AI-powered detection technology that secures more than 75% of Fortune 100 Businesses, Proofpoint Essentials provides centralized management for MSPs through our user-friendly, single interface admin console. This ease of use extends to customers, giving them increased visibility and a simple way to understand the threats targeting their businesses. Administrators can quickly manage protection for inbound threats, secure data as it leaves organizations, and train their end users to be an effective last line of defense against attackers.


Cost Effective, Fully Supported
Proofpoint understands that time is money for busy MSPs. Proofpoint Essentials prioritizes cost effective features and time to protection by making implementation simple with easy-to-understand documentation and setup guides. With a focus on driving higher return on security investments for organizations and creating profitable revenue streams for MSPs to grow their businesses, Essentials is fully scalable and completely supported. Proofpoint Essentials boasts higher detection rates leading to fewer complaints and customer tickets, and less time spent on incident remediation. In case concerns arise, know that Proofpoint’s best-in-class support team is available around the clock, 24 hours a day.


Something for Everyone
With a variety of flexible package options, Essentials extends protection beyond your customer’s inbox by including data loss prevention, security awareness, social media protection, and more. Essentials products work together to reduce the end user’s overall attack surface, and present a consolidated, all-inclusive solution for you. Users with Proofpoint Essentials can expect:

Email Security

Intelligent protection against spam, malware, and imposters with advanced URL/Attachment sandboxing

Information Protection

Outbound email encryption and filtering to catch sensitive data before it leaves the organization

Security Awareness

Education and training to help users protect themselves, identify risk, and change their behaviors

Social Media Protection

Monitoring for social media accounts to identify account compromise and stop potential attacks

Email Archiving

Safe keeping for historical emails dating back 10 years with easy recovery and minimal data storage

Email Continuity

Continuity for unexpected email outages to keep business running up to 30 days


Proofpoint is a leading security partner for Microsoft 365 and Microsoft Exchange, with more than 200,000 Microsoft 365 customers globally. To better protect your Microsoft investment, analysts from Gartner and Forrester recommend supplemental security. Proofpoint Essentials adds a fundamental layer of protection against the latest email threats that Microsoft may miss, such as advanced BEC and imposter messages. Minimal configuration and seamless integration make Essentials the flexible, affordable, out-of-the-box solution for protecting your customer’s greatest security risk: their people. 


ConnectWise PSA

Features: Integrations coming soon!


Provision your NEW ACCOUNT or Transfer your billing to ConnectWise by clicking the BUY NOW button.

When provisioning a new account, you'll create your tenant and gain access to the Proofpoint portal. Utilize this portal to create clients, add users, and select products. You will be billed based on your usage on the Proofpoint billing date. No need to enter a quantity for each product or come back to our marketplace to make changes.

Products Available:
• Proofpoint Essentials Business

• Proofpoint Essentials Business +

• Proofpoint Essentials Advanced

• Proofpoint Essentials Advanced +

• Proofpoint Essentials Professional

• Proofpoint Essentials Professional +

• Proofpoint Security Awareness Training

• Proofpoint Import Management

Monthly usage is billed in arrears and on your billing anniversary date. Pricing is subject to change at any time. Proofpoint is a 3rd party product that ConnectWise distributes. The ConnectWise Privacy Policy is not applicable to the use of this 3rd party product.

For more information or questions you have please reach out to your Account Manager or email


For Proofpoint related technical support questions or issues, please contact Proofpoint directly for assistance. You may choose the route that suits you best and their team looks forward to serving you!

  • Proofpoint Technical Support – Phone, Live Chat, Email:
    • Initiate a support request by logging a ticket
    • Chat is available through the portal
    • Community resources/discussions
    • News channel: important messages and details on any incidents
  • General Partner Hotline: North America (408) 752-5432
  • General Partner Hotline: EMEA +44 141 471 9131
  • Assistance on FAQs
    • (if presented with a login prompt, access through the UI to receive a login token, resulting in no login prompt)
  • Support for Archiving at